Subtle changes in your body, such as frequent bathroom visits or a constant feeling of thirst, could be easy to overlook. However, these seemingly minor symptoms may be indicative of a serious health condition – diabetes.
Diabetes is a prevalent issue in the United States, affecting over 38.4 million Americans, which is approximately 11.6% of the population. Alarmingly, 8.7 million cases remain undiagnosed. Each year, around 1.5 million Americans receive a new diabetes diagnosis, with type 2 diabetes accounting for 90-95% of all cases. This raises the question: how can you determine if you’re at risk, and what silent symptoms should you be aware of?
At AMA Medical Group, we recognize the critical importance of early detection and effective management of diabetes to prevent complications. While diabetes can present numerous signs, some symptoms can be subtle and harder to detect on your own. This article will discuss ten subtle signs of diabetes that you should be aware of to help you take proactive steps toward maintaining your health. Understanding these often-overlooked symptoms allows you to work with your healthcare provider to receive an accurate diagnosis and develop an appropriate management plan.

1. Frequent Bathroom Trips
Individuals typically urinate four to seven times a day. However, if you frequent trips to the bathroom, especially waking up multiple times during the night to urinate, it could be a sign that your kidneys are working harder to eliminate excess sugar from your blood.
Monitoring your water intake, particularly in the evening, is important, as excessive drinking may lead to frequent urination. If you’re waking up to urinate more than once or twice overnight, try to avoid consuming liquids after 7 p.m. and steer clear of caffeinated beverages after 5 p.m.
Nevertheless, if you continue to experience frequent nighttime urination, it could be an indication of an underlying issue.
Warning Sign: Persistent nighttime bathroom visits despite moderating water intake and avoiding caffeine in the evening.
2. Dehydration
If you consume over 4 liters (about a gallon) of water daily and still feel thirsty, it may be due to high blood sugar.
Warning Sign: You experience persistent thirst even after drinking water.

3. Extreme Hunger
When blood sugar levels are not adequately controlled, they can send conflicting signals to your brain regarding hunger cues.
Warning Sign: You notice an increased frequency of eating throughout the day or feel extreme hunger persisting even after meals.
4. Lack of Energy
When sugar struggles to enter your cells for energy production, your kidneys compensate by expelling the excess sugar, leading to increased fatigue and weakness.
Warning Sign: You notice a significant decrease in your ability to perform daily tasks that were previously effortless, or you feel excessively tired after meals.

5. Tingling Sensation
Excessive sugar levels in the bloodstream can harm nerve endings, particularly those in distant areas from the spinal cord, such as the feet.
Warning Sign: Upon waking up, you may experience tingling, numbness, or a burning feeling in your feet.
6. Blurry Vision
Excess sugar lingering in the bloodstream can lead to swelling in the eye’s lens, making focusing your vision difficult. High sugar levels can also cause blurred vision, which clears when sugar levels drop.
Warning Sign: You notice road signs, menus, books, or computer screens frequently coming in and out of focus throughout the day.
7. Itchy Skin
Inadequate circulation combined with fluid loss due to frequent urination can result in dry skin, leading to itchiness.
Warning Sign: Despite increasing your water intake, you continue to itch more than usual and have noticeably dry skin.
8. Slow Healing Wounds and Increased Skin Infections
Persisting sugar in the bloodstream adversely affects veins and arteries, disrupting circulation. This impediment to proper blood flow prolongs the healing process for cuts and bruises and increases susceptibility to skin infections.
Warning Sign: If minor injuries such as paper cuts, bumps, or bruises persist for more than a few days, if cuts keep forming scabs repeatedly, or if wounds endure for weeks to months.
9. Volatile Moods
Navigating unstable blood sugar levels can cause irritability and mood swings. Additionally, high blood sugar can mirror symptoms of depression, including low energy levels and a desire to remain in bed.
Warning sign: You notice a marked increase in grumpiness or irritability, receive comments from family or friends about your unusual behavior, or exhibit symptoms resembling depression.
10. Urinary Tract Infections and Yeast Infections
Elevated sugar levels in the urine create a favorable environment for bacteria and yeast around the genital area. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) typically present with a burning sensation during urination and may cause cloudy, dark, or foul-smelling urine. On the other hand, yeast infections often manifest with itching, burning, and abnormal discharge. Individuals with diabetes are more susceptible to these infections.
Warning Sign: Experiencing frequent UTIs or yeast infections regularly.
Next Steps to Detect Diabetes
Early detection of diabetes is important for effective management and the prevention of complications. If you resonate with any of these warning signs, don’t ignore them.
Instead, schedule an appointment with AMA Medical Group for comprehensive diabetes screening and personalized care. Don’t let diabetes go undetected—take charge of your health today.