Care Beyond 65:

Essential Health Screenings for Seniors

Are you staying up to date and monitoring your risk?

AMA Checklist Infographic Preview

Never Forget Another Health Screening

The Facts: Why Screenings Matter

  • Do You Have Hypertension? Approximately 70% of adults aged 65 and older have high blood pressure.
  • What if You Have Osteoporosis? Nearly 54 million Americans have osteoporosis or low bone mass.
  • Is This Related to Cancer?  Regular screenings can reduce the risk of dying from breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers by 20-30%.

As we age, maintaining our health becomes increasingly important. At AMA Medical Group, we are committed to providing comprehensive care to help seniors live their best lives. Our “Care Beyond 65” infographic breaks down the essential health screenings for both women and men to ensure you stay on top of your health.

Why Health Screenings Are Important for Seniors

Why Health Screenings Are Important for Seniors:

  • Early Detection: Identifying potential health issues early can lead to more effective treatment.
  • Prevention: Regular screenings can help prevent diseases before they start.
  • Improved Quality of Life: Staying proactive with your health can enhance your overall well-being and independence.

What’s Inside – Here’s Some Key Health Screenings for Seniors and When to Get Them: 

  • Blood Pressure Check: Helps detect hypertension, which can lead to heart disease and stroke.
  • Cholesterol Test: Monitors levels to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • Bone Density Scan: Detects osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones.
  • Cancer Screenings: Includes mammograms, colonoscopies, and prostate exams to catch cancer early.
  • Vision and Hearing Tests: Ensures you maintain these critical senses.
  • Diabetes Screening: Identifies early signs of diabetes or pre-diabetes.

See all health screenings needed after 65 by downloading the full checklist.

Download Full Health Screenings Checklist

Stay informed about your health and ensure you receive the necessary screenings. Download our comprehensive infographic today to learn more about the essential health screenings for seniors.

Sign Up to Receive Your Care Beyond 65 Health Screenings Checklist


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AMA Medical Group is a physician-owned medical practice dedicated to patients and their loved ones. As an advocate for a lifetime of good health, our practice treats each patient as an individual.

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